Cargo ship’s crew splash boiling waters to highly armed pirates, 1 hurt, attack ceased

Pirates attack cargo ship in Philippines

When some pirates tried to board MV Kudos, her valiant crews used extremely hot waters to stop them. Reportedly, the burned pirates ceased their attack, leaving one unnamed ship’s crew hurt and some ship properties damaged, Friday, February 16.

Initial information gathered from the ship captain, Captain Chris Paul Maligmat, revealed that the suspects attempted to board their vessel but the crew immediately responded by splashing boiled water which prompted the perpetrators to open fire.

The incident resulted to a minor injury suffered in the hands of one of the vessel’s crew which accordingly is caused from ship glass debris.

Tanod Baybayin (Philippine Coast Guard Official) posts on Facebook.

MV Kudos departed Panacan, Davao City, at around 1600H Local Time, February 15 and was bound to North Harbour, Manila. Three motor bancas with unidentified and highly armed men onboard alledgedly attacked the sailing ship manned with 27 sailors, 4.4 nautical miles South East off Sibago Island, Basilan on February 16.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Coast Guards stationed in South Western Mindanao were alerted of this attack and had rendered immediate assistance. Their deployed Multi-Purpose ship BRP Malabrigo located MV Kudos’ distressed position while the MSC 3003 patrolled the pirate infested area.

This story first appeared in Tanod Baybayin (Philippine Coast Guard Official) Facebook Page. Minor edits have been made by editors. Read the original story here.

Photos screengrabbed from Tanod Baybayin Facebook Page.


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