Meeting Nick Maley, the Yoda and other alien guys creator

The force was with Routh Gar Flogio, a Filipino cruise ship crew, when he visited St. Marteen on Thursday, January 25. He was able to meet no other than but Nick Maley, one of the most celebrated make-up artists in Hollywood, and a Guinness Book of World Records title holder.

For us, Maley is father of most outrageous characters we saw in TV. A veteran artist, he deeply worked with a team which put make-up and/or make-up effects to some iconic movie stars and casts we know. To name a few, these are Grand Master Jedi Yoda of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and some casts of Abraham Lincoln, Superman II, The Exorcist, Terminator, Krull and The Crow.


On the other hand, his passion for his exceptional art earned him a spot in Guinness. His 5.5 hours long make-up for the ‘Widow of the Web’ character in the fantasy movie “Krull” was recorded as the fifth longest make-up applied to a woman in the whole world.

Touched by ‘That Yoga Guy’


A big fan of Star Wars movie, Routh used to collect related souvenir items particularly replicas of Yoda. He was delighted that he finally met the Grand Master Jedi’s creator. Perhaps, his photo taken with him was Routh’s biggest memento while visiting St. Marteen.

“It’s a good feeling makilala mo ang kagaya niya (It feels good to know someone like Nick Maley),” said Routh in mix of English and Filipino.

We also asked Routh what Maley told him during their rare meeting.

“Be a risk taker when you have a dream to become a Jedi.” Routh replied, quoting Maley’s emboldening words to him.

If you want to see how Maley worked hard to scare (or make believe) millions of people around the globe through his exceptional art, visit his The Yoda Guy movie museum in St. Marteen Island. The entrance fee which includes a one-on-one photo opportunity with him is 10 USD only.

Moreover, to easily find him and/or his place, you may ask the locals that you are looking for the “That Yoda guy” – Maley’s pseudonym in Carribean.

“Everyone is welcome there.” Routh happily confirms. 😊👌


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Photos screengrabbed from Nick Maley/Facebook and Routh Gar Flogio/Facebook.

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